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If you like cinnamon and oranges, make sure to bake this fantastic cake. The dough is yeast-free and made from our Kate’s low carb sourdough bread mix flour mix. Of course, you can make pinwheels instead of a cake.
●150 g lukewarm milk / plant-based drink
●20 g freshly squeezed lemon juice
●1 tsp orange flavouring
●60 g sweetener (erythritol)
●1 egg, size “M”
●3 tbsp erythritol
●1 tsp ground cinnamon
●Pour the milk, the freshly squeezed lemon juice and the orange flavouring into a bowl. Add the egg to it and stir it with a fork.
●Add the flour mix and the erythritol to the milky mixture and knead a smooth dough from the ingredients.
●Let it rest for 10 minutes on room temperature.
●Roll the dough out into a 2 mm thin rectangle, sprinkle it with the 2/3 of the mixture of cinnamon and erythritol.
●Roll the dough up and cut 2-finger-thick wheels. From the wheels form buns. Place them next to each other into a bread baking bowl lined with parchment paper.
●Sprinkle the top of the buns with the remained mixture of cinnamon-erythrytol.
●Bake in a preheated oven to 180°C for about 40 minutes.